“Always better together” is one of my favorite sayings because each and every one of us is an individual with our own unique talents, strengths and gifts—when we share them with one another, everyone benefits. Life becomes richer. That coming together to share, support and learn from one another is called community.

Think about it in terms of a campfire. If each one of us pitches a log into the pile and adds their spark to the fire, it will burn long and bright. However, if we each hold onto our log and try to make our own fire without contributing or sharing, it will be small and short lived.

So, this is the place to feed the fire and give shout-outs to the people and places that make our community great. Whenever I explore and have an experience that fills me with joy, awe, enthusiasm, appreciation, or opportunity for growth, I want to share it with others so they can enjoy those same sensations. I also want to give credit to the source to let that person or place responsible for the “feel goods” know that they are making a difference.

I’d like to start by thanking my amazing group of friends who believed in me. They supported me as I pursued my passion to help others live a more mindful and healthier lifestyle. I couldn’t ask for better cheerleaders! I am forever grateful for them helping me get to “right now” and know they will be there for me as I continue to grow.

I’d like to specifically mention and thank, Marion Marvil, a long-time acquaintance who has become a trusted friend through this endeavor. Her enthusiasm and input has been invaluable. She encouraged and guided me every step of the way as I took this large leap to launch this website. Thank you for believing in me.

I’d also like to mention Pablo D Blanco. He is responsible for many of the photographs on this site. Thanks for your incredible talent and friendship.

Lastly, I would like to thank Exults, the website development firm responsible for what you are seeing right now. In particular, I would like to thank Elizabeth (Libby) O’ Brien, for all the hours and thought she devoted to create this beautiful website that aligns with my vision.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I could not have accomplished this without my wonderful community. I know my community will continue to help me grow and I hope to do the same for them.

With Gratitude, Appreciation and Love,


It’s Always Better Together. Join Our Self Love Club

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